Imagine the accessibility and price point of your standard big box gym, combined with all the amenities of a boutique fitness location. That's EōS Fitness — a place for anyone and everyone to start, continue, or revamp their fitness journey.

They Said

We want to reimagine our lead-to-member and member-to-personal training sales funnel. We know things are moving in the right direction, but we want to double down on selling more memberships. 

We Said

Let’s partner together to memorialize what exists across locations and establish baseline reporting and clear definitions of actions. Then, we can optimize automation, create new insights, and help your fitness consultants pull key levers to increase conversion. 

Frame 36057

Actionable Data Schema

Through HubSpot Deals and Custom Behavioral events, we were able to trigger automation and provide a more personalized outreach experience with the associated metadata of a user. On the personal training side, a system of record had yet to be applied to map and automate this process, ultimately leading to significantly greater operational processes.


Customized Reporting Pipeline

Historically, EōS was only able to report natively on which actions were being taken, creating a fragmented lens of key metrics. By creating a custom reporting pipeline, team members were able to access a single source of truth across a multitude of systems that their leads and members pass through. 


Our Lift

First, we had to document and memorialize all user journeys for EōS to understand the complete picture. Once we achieved buy-in, this allowed us to optimize within HubSpot while creating a reporting pipeline so stakeholders could better see where to focus their efforts.

EōS Actions

Decision makers now had access to clean and actionable data to understand better what steps within the sales or personal training journeys needed to be updated to drive business. Team members could also now have much more robust dialogue with on-site gym employees to execute the sales process better.